The water-based dispersion care product LOBA InvisibleCare covers finished wood, cork, and linoleum floors, as well as design flooring, with an extremely matte protective layer. It conceals signs of wear and tear and visually enhances the surface. In addition, InvisibleCare gives even semi-gloss and satin floors an extra-matte look.
This innovative product from LOBA provides protection against light scratches and signs of wear. InvisibleCare maintains the anti-slip properties of floors finished with 2K InvisibleProtect in accordance with DIN EN 16165:2021-12, evaluation group R10. Likewise, the anti-slip properties of all surfaces finished with the SlipResist additive are retained. At the same time, the extra-matte care product significantly reduces the adhesion of dirt. Thanks to these features, the use of InvisibleCare significantly extends the renovation cycle and makes a valuable contribution to preserving resources.
InvisibleCare – the simple solution for redecorating semi-gloss or satin-finished surfaces and maintaining the value of extra-matte floors. No time-consuming and costly renovation measures. Simple and safe for processors, fast and cost-effective for end users.
For further information, please see the product site.
About LOBA
Based in Ditzingen near Stuttgart/Germany, LOBA was founded more than 100 years ago. Its core business is the design, finishing and care of parquet and wood floors. It also has experience and expertise in elastic and mineral flooring. LOBA owns subsidiaries in Brazil and China as well as joint ventures with Wakol in Poland and North America. Since 2018, LOBA has been part of the international ARDEX Group, which has over 4,000 employees. About 110 employees work at the LOBA Headquarters in Ditzingen. Since 1922, LOBA has established its successful brand in over 60 countries through technical excellence, premium products and unwavering dedication to its customers. LOBA On Top!
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